Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Down the TBR Hole #14

Hello readers! It’s time for another Down the TBR Hole post. My TBR currently sits at 172. I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress even if my TBR is only around 40 books lower than when we started. Most of the books I’m removing this week are ones that I don’t even remember what they are nor do I remember adding them.

Essentially, you go through 5 to 10 books per post on your Want to Read shelf on GoodReads and purge all the ones you know you won’t be getting to anytime soon. If you want to see a more detailed version of how this works, check out Jody’s post. She is doing her Down the TBR Hole posts on Thursdays if you want to check those out!

As I said last time, PLEASE don’t be offended if I remove a book that you loved or are looking forward to! 9 times out of 10, I have just lost interest in the book for no real reason at all.

CLICK HERE to see all my previous Down the TBR Holes.


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