Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Book Blogger Hop: Old vs New books

Hello readers! It’s time for a book blogger hop. When is the last time I did one of these? I don’t even remember. I used to do this almost every Sunday before I started doing The Sunday Post.

If you’ve never heard of Book Blogger Hop, it is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addict. Each week a discussion topic is given and many book bloggers post based on that topic. New topics start on Friday and end the following Thursday. I personally always post my answers on Sundays.

24th – 30th – Do you prefer to read old or new books?


You know, before just a few years ago I would’ve said old. I used to rarely ever read new releases and now they account for half of my reading.

2000s and early 2010s books were just not the same as they are now. Every time I pick up a book from the 2000s, I have to worry if someone will say the r slur or something. If I pick up a classic, it will most likely have racism or sexism in it.

Authors are now just more aware. They don’t say the r slur for one, but there is more of a chance to find a book with good rep for LGBT or disabled people. There are more options for POC books that were not written by a white person. Overall, I think its easier to find something for everyone.

Don’t get me wrong! I don’t dislike older books, I just prefer newer ones.

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