Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

The World’s Worst Book Tag

Hello readers! It’s Thursday, and time for another tag. This time, I’m actually going to tag people. I never do it. It honestly makes me so nervous! I’m always afraid I’ll tag people who have already done the tag before. I’ve only ever seen one person do this tag before, so I think I’ll be fine on this one.

Don’t be afraid to tag me if you see or post one you’d like me to do!

This tag was created by Booktuber Peter Likes Books. I really like Peter Monn! I watch his drama channel, and he lives in my state. He seriously has like 7 or 8 channels, but I only watch the one.

What Book or Series Would Your Force Your Enemy to Read?

I thought about picking a really bad book, but instead decided to go for a really sad one. I would force my enemy to read this book because they would be changed forever by reading it.

I remember when I bought this book the cashier said good luck to me, which made me even more scared. It is not the saddest book I’ve read, but it’s pretty dang close.

What Book Have You Tried to Read Several Times But Haven’t Been Able to Finish?

I really enjoyed Vampire Academy, so I tried to pick up the spinoff series, Bloodlines. I tried picking up this book at least three times and could never get into it for some reason.

I ended up unhauling the entire series last year and it really stung because I owned the entire thing. I don’t know what it was, but I just couldn’t get into it.

What Book Has a Close Friend Recommended That You Ended Up Loving?

I really do not have anyone IRL who reads, so I had to take a trip back to my childhood. My cousin, who I was very close to at the time, got me into anime and this specific manga series.

This series is just on my mind lately because I’ve been wanting to reread it. This series is so freaking good.

What Book In the Last Year Took You the Longest to Read?

This book took me a little over two weeks to read, which is crazy because it’s less than 400 pages.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a good book! I can’t say I enjoyed it because it isn’t the kind of book you enjoy reading, you know? It’s very grimdark. Very Game-of-Thrones-esque.

I had a hard time getting into it for the first few chapters was the issue, but honestly it was good once it picked up. But, I’m telling you, don’t read this book if you are looking for a happy ending.

What is the Fastest Book You’ve Read in the Last 5 Years Because It was Too Damn Good?!

Without counting any books that are less than 150 pages and could easily be read in a day, I picked A Court of Sugar and Spice. I read this in less than 3 days and it’s nearly 400 pages.

Has anyone read this book yet? I mention it at least once a week I think over here. Honestly, I might reread it soon. It was just that good. I’m not a big rereader unless I don’t remember a book, but I would reread this one easily.

Clear Your Mind…What Are the First Three Books That Immediately Come to Mind?

Last Book You Will Admit to Skimming? (CHEATER!)

Well, here is the thing. I was actually reading this book until the gun scene. Then, I started to skim it. And, then I ended up quitting the entire book at around chapter 20.

Seriously, do not recommend this book. I cannot stop thinking about it and not in a good way. This goes down in history as one of the ten books I have ever given 1 star.

What Author, if They Secretly Dropped a Brand New Book Tomorrow, Would You Immediately Have to Buy Buy and Read ASAP?

Emily Antoinette. If she dropped a suprise book, I would immediately read it as soon as I could. I read her first book after it came out and have since read all her books as they have been published (or right before) and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

She writes very spice, plus size, monster/alien romances and I honestly cannot get enough of them. Are they semi-plotless? Sure. But, I don’t really care.

Favorite Book/Type of Book You Read in Bed and By the Pool?

I would say romance. I don’t do it often, but have occasionally stayed up late to read a really good spicy romance in bed. I don’t have nor live near a pool, so I don’t get to do that often.

What Book Would You Give to Your Best Friend and Force Them to Read Because It’s So Good?!

I mean, its a spicy, fantasy romance book following two sisters who end up in this fae world. It’s a retelling of The Nutcracker, which I don’t think is common.

This book is super spicy, violent, a little unhinged and action packed. It isn’t one of those spicy books without a plot (not that I don’t love those, too).


Wildwood Reads

Journey Into Books

& Wicked Witched Blog

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6 responses to “The World’s Worst Book Tag”

  1. This was such a fun tag! And now I want to read A Court of Sugar and Spice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is definitely a tag I hadn’t seen before. Thanks for the tag. Now I’ll have to go and do some serious thinking 😃😃

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Thursday – World’s Worst Book Tag […]


  4. […] finding out what the world’s worst book is? I loved reading Alli’s answers to this at The book giraffe and got even more excited when I saw that she had tagged me in the post ( I lead a quiet life and […]


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