Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Book Blogger Hop: Happy Pub Day Posts

Hello readers! It’s time for a Book Blogger Hop post. This one centers happy pub day posts.

I just wanted to quickly let you guys know that I’m going to start making my Sunday Posts for followers only. I know, most of you won’t notice a difference there, but for anyone who is interested in seeing those, you’ll need to give me a follow.

Once I saw that someone was stealing my posts, it kind of scared me to know that they are stealing my posts where I talk about my week and my personal life. It just gives me kind of stalker vibes, even though I know it is happening to many, many other people.

And, I also wanted to say again that if you are seeing this post anywhere other than Word Press, than it is stolen.

If you’ve never heard of Book Blogger Hop, it is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addict. Each week a discussion topic is given and many book bloggers post based on that topic. New topics start on Friday and end the following Thursday. I personally always post my answers on Sundays.

9th-15th – Do you post Happy Publication Day posts for books you read?

Is this something you guys would be interested in seeing from me on here? I never thought about posting them here, but I can!

I do post Happy Pub Day posts on Booktok and sometimes Bookstagram for books that I ARC read and really loved. I wont always talk about every ARC that I read over there, but I will always make a pub day post.

I usually make them on Canva and have been wanting to change it. I just change the book in the video, the background color and the title of the book when I post them. But, sometimes the author will supply pictures or videos to post and I’ll just use theirs.

To the left is an example of a post that I’ve made. It’s just a way to remind my followers that a book that I ARC read has come out.

I do not do these for trad books, though. I don’t think my post would make that much of a difference for a big publisher. But, Indie authors always need a little boost to get their books out there.

Seriously, comment down below and let me know if you would want a happy pub day post for books I ARC read, because I absolutely would think of a way to do them on here.

I try my hardest to mention indie books as much as possible especially those that I really enjoyed.

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