Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Authors

Hello readers! This week we are talking about favorite authors. I think I have made a post like this, but honestly it has been at least 2 years.

If you’ve never heard of Book Blogger Hop, it is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addict. Each week a discussion topic is given and many book bloggers post based on that topic. New topics start on Friday and end the following Thursday. I personally always post my answers on Sundays.

16th-22nd – Do you keep an active list of favorite authors—that you would spend your milk money on—to have it when they publish a book? 

I have quite a few favorite authors and some new ones that I’ve gained this last year. The one I always say is Stephen King. I currently have read 31 own 36 SK books. I actually have unhauled quite a few that I had that were mass market paperbacks because I want to own hardcovers of all his books. I think I kept 6 mass marker paperbacks of his.

Next would be Alex Gino. I have read all of their books except two and currently only own three of them. I honestly never see their books at the bookstore or anywhere, probably because they are middle grade and LGBT centered.

Most recently, Rebecca F Kenney! I have read 5 of her books and really, really enjoyed them. I don’t own any of her books, but I really want to get them here soon. All of her books are on KU, so that is how I read them.

Sophie Kinsella has been one that I haven’t read in a while, but love her books! I have read 14 of her books and own 16. She was the first romance author that I ever really enjoyed books from and I really need to read more of her books this year. They are honestly so good.

Lastly, I would say Brandon Sanderson. I have read 11 and own 12 books by him. It drives me crazy that my local bookstore does not sell his books! I want to buy them in person, but I never can. The only thing I have ever seen at my bookstore is Skyward in the YA section. It’s just crazy to me because he is far from an unknown author in the fantasy genre, but they never have his books over there.


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3 responses to “Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Authors”

  1. Great post, I’m currently on a mission to read more Stephen King books, I usually only read his books in October but I want to branch out more.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve got WAY too many favorite authors for just one blog post.


  3. […] Saturday – Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Authors […]


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