Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

The Cliche Book Tag

Hello readers! It’s time for another book tag. This one centers cliches, which don’t always think is a bad thing.

The Cliche book tag was created by Life and Other Disasters, but their blog no longer exists as far as I can tell.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: A Book That Wasn’t Or Couldn’t Be Better Than The Movie.

I honeslty had no interest in this book and then a movie was made based on it. I decided to see The DUFF movie and it was HILARIOUS.

That “Go eat a dick” “Thanks, I just had a bagel so I’m full.” like was iconic.

Then, I bought this book and read it. It was not good. They changed a lot in this movie, especially the ending. In my opinion, it was for the better. Skip the book, watch the movie instead.

The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side.: A Rags To Riches Or Riches To Rags Story.

The main character in Mistborn, Vin, was a true rags to riches story. She started off living on the streets and really fought her way to the top by the end.

The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree.: A Parent Child Relationship That You Love

I will always pick a story with wonderful representation of a step parent. Zoe has a great relationship with her step dad. He isn’t just her step dad, he is the dad who raised her.

Even though she learns about her biological father’s circumstance in prison, it never hinders her relationship with him. She never rejects him for her bio dad, which I love!

On the flip side, she also gains a wonderful parental relationship with her biological father. Zoe has two dads and her relationships with both of them are vastly different, but still important by the end.

You Can’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover.: A Great Book That Needs A Better Cover.

I think Warbreaker came to mind because of Mistborn being on this list earlier. Warbreaker is my absolute favorite Sanderson book, but I hate this cover. So many high fantasy books have terrible covers.

I listened to this one on audio and have yet to get myself a copy. I just don’t want this cover on my shelf and I’m hoping he will give it a new cover one of these days.

You Can’t Please Everyone.: A Book You Hate That Everyone Loves.

Well, I do have quite a few books that could fit into this, but I thought I’d go for the first popular book that I read and hated. I was so scared of being judged for not liking The Fault in Our Stars back in 2013 that I didn’t even tell anyone I read it. I didn’t even add it as read on Goodreads until 2016.

At the time, I was on Booktube and people really did not take lightly to those who disliked popular books.

I just really, really despise sick lit. I will never enjoy a book that romanticizes terminal illness. Especially when you think about it, all sick lit books and movies are the same. They all have the exact same formula.

I do not get the hype on this one or any other book like it.

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.: What’s A Book That Made You A Better Person For Having Read It.

This book changed my entire perspective on life. This book made me angry. Not at the contents of it, but at the education system in America.

The way I read this book and learned about indigenous children being ripped from their parents in the 60/70s for the first time made me actually flabbergasted that I didn’t know this happened.

I don’t understand why we don’t learn about things like this in school. And, I have made sure to have my daughter read this. I am teaching her things more truthfully and broadly in school. She has learned a ton about indigenous people and Muslim people, and will be much more educated that I was at her age.

Love Is Blind.: A Book With A Disabled Character Or Actual Blind Love.

One of my favorite books with disability rep is, You Don’t Know Everything, Jilly P! This one follows a girl named Jilly whose baby sister is born deaf. She also has an online friend who is deaf.

This book shows the perspective of the hard of hearing and deaf community. How many of their family members will refuse to learn ASL or treat them like they are broken if they cannot hear.

I don’t know anyone who is deaf, but I have read so many books from different perspectives on this topic. It isn’t an easy one for anyone to discuss, but it is important.

Ignorance Is Bliss.: A Book That Is Bad But You Just Don’t Want To Admit It.

There are plenty of books that we love that could be considered objectively bad in some way or another. This one has really low ratings on Goodreads and many people really, really hate it.

I mean, it’s this bizarre romance between a woman and the door of her apartment. Is the world building the best I’ve ever read? No. Does the magic system make a ton of sense? Absolutely not. BUT, I still love it. I love how weird it is. I get why many people hate books like this, but I want to read them all.

There Is No Time Like The Present.: What Is Your Favourite Contemporary Book?

I hate picking a favorite of anything, but one my favorites I read last year was Yellowface. This book centers a white woman who steals her dead friend’s manuscript. This friend was Chinese and the MC goes ahead and publishes this book with history she doesn’t really understand.

It makes fun of all those white authors who write a book centering a culture that they really know nothing about. She meets all these people who identified with this book and she can’t even relate to them.

For the people who don’t like it, the ending is a bit crazy, sure. I don’t mind it, though. It takes this turn at the end where a POC is villainized and I feel like that was part of the point. So many authors will add one POC or LGBT character and make them the villain.

Regardless if someone enjoyed the book or not, I think everyone will think about the book for a long time after finishing it.

Better Safe Than Sorry.: A Book You Don’t Want To Read In Case It’s Bad.

Not just this book specifically, anything by Colleen Hoover intimidates me because I think I will hate them. It seems like she is that type of author who romanticized abusive relationships and I just don’t want to read that.

I am really just getting into romance still, but I know for sure romanticized abuse and assault will never be on my list of yums for a book.

If you enjoyed this post, heck out my Book Tag Masterlist for more book tags I’ve done!

This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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3 responses to “The Cliche Book Tag”

  1. Great tag ☺️ I really need to pick up Yellowface

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree with you about Warbreaker!

    Liked by 1 person

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