Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Count to 10 With Me Book Tag

Hello readers! It’s time for a book tag post. This one is a pretty simple one. It gives a number from 1 through 10 and you pick that many books based on the prompt.

This tag was created by a Booktuber named The Bumbling Blogger.

First book in a series

Glass and Bone is such a unique book. It follows a girl named Eleanor who has to travel to another kingdom for this arranged marriage.

Imagine everything horrible that can happen to a character, and it happens to Eleanor. It has Game of Thrones vibes for sure.

It also ended on a sort of cliffhanger, and I’m dying to see what happens next with her! I hope she can end up with a happy ending because only bad things happen in this book to her.

I thought about counting it in my indie romance recommendations post, but it’s kind of weird in that aspect, too. It has a lovers to enemies vibe with one love interest, and a forbidden romance with another, and there is no happy ending in sight.

If dark fantasy romance is a genre, this book is in that genre. Be wary of the trigger warnings, though. This is a rough read. And, book two should be out this summer.

Two or more copies of the same book

I own three different collections of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories. I can’t remember what the third one is.

I am planning to get more in the future. There are illustrated versions of his books and I really want to read them next.

Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favorite classic authors. I started reading his works in high school. I don’t really collect books, but I would collect a ton of pretty editions of his works. There is just so many beautiful covers out there!


Three colors on the cover

This cover has more than three colors, but I’m still counting it.

Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries was such an interesting story. It was a cozy fantasy, but also had a ton of dark elements to it.

This one really leans into the dark elements of fae, which many romances today overlook. At some point this year, I would love to read book two! I’m still not really reading anything, though.

Four or more perspectives

The only book I could think of was Way of Kings. What books have you guys read that have 4 or more POVs? I have read a ton with 2 0r even 3, but I don’t know about 4.

The Way of Kings has three main POVs, but overall has 16. It has the most I’ve ever read in one book, and yes, it’s very confusing when you read it.

I completely regret reading this book before reading any other books by Sanderson or any other fantasy books like this. It was very overwhelming at times, but I honestly loved the story.


A five star read

This question made me remember that I haven’t had a five star read since 2023.😭 I suppose it’s because I haven’t read anything since January, but it still hurts.

Eden in Sunder is a romance that takes place in Eden. It follows Lillith herself and is such a good story. It’s a romance, but also centers free will.

Book two is out now. I have started it and I can say it’s really good. We get to meet Eve in that one. I never knew
I needed a spicy retelling of a story in the bible. 😂

Six (or more) short stories

This one is a collection of scifi short stories centering technology. It is very black mirror-esque.

If you really love black mirror, or just that type of scifi, this one is for you!


A seven on the cover or spine

This may be the only book I’ve ever read with 7 in the title. This one follows Evelyn in one timeline, who is this actress in the 50’s. She was married 7 times, and the other timeline follows Monique who is interviewing Evelyn.

This is an exclusive interview no one has ever had with Evelyn, and Monique is trying to find out who exactly was the love of Evelyn’s life after being married 7 times.

But, Evelyn has a reason of her own for doing this interview, and that reason was a crazy twist.

Eight letters in the title

Maneater is a spicy romance that takes place in the 80s between a succubus and a male witch. I love that this has a curvy FMC, but also that the romance it a bit awkward.

The MMC is actually a virgin in this book. I’ve read romance books with virgins, but never when it was only the man in the romance.

This is one of those books, though, that is more spice than not, so keep that in mind.


Book ends on a page ending in a 9

This was a really hard prompt to fill! The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook For Surviving Medieval England is 399 pages.

This is a scifi book that really ties Sanderson’s Cosmere.
I don’t want to say how as I think it’s a spoiler, but I would highly recommend reading this if you are a few books into the Cosmere.

It follows this guy who has paid money to go to an alternate universe where he is a wizard. He actually lost his memory, so we don’t know why he is there or even how he got there.

Ten books in the series

This series currently has 9 books, but it will have 10 total.

This is a portal fantasy series where each odd number books follows a storyline, and each even number book gives a backstory on a character.

These kids will go to live in Eleanor West’s Home For Wayward Children after they’ve come back from some alternate universe and just cannot cope with it. Most of them want to go back, but they have to wait for their door that may never come.

This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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2 responses to “Count to 10 With Me Book Tag”

  1. I do love this tag. I have done it ages ago and remember searching my bookshelves for a book that ended on a page number ending in 9

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Thursday – Count to 10 With Me Book Tag […]


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