Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Let’s Talk Bookish: Managing a Blog/Life Balance

Hello readers! It’s time for Let’s Talk Bookish. This one centers on blogging, which I’m excited for. It took me a good 3 years to find a balance in blogging and everything else in my life. I have a habit of giving 100% of myself at all times, which just isn’t healthy.

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme that was originated by Eternity Books and is currently hosted by Book Nook Bits. The accompanying thumbnail was also designed by Book Nook Bits. Each Friday, bloggers craft posts where they engage in discussions centered around the designated topic for the week.

Prompts: How do you balance blogging with the rest of your life? What strategies have you found work best? Do you always feel like you can make time for blogging and books? Or do you often find yourself unable to make blogging a top priority?


One piece of advice I can give to everyone is to not force it. Don’t force yourself to blog when you don’t feel like it. If I get into the mood to write, I’ll write until I don’t feel like it anymore. Sometimes I’ll write 1 post and other times it’ll be 3 or 4 at a time.

When I first started my blogging journey, I would push myself to write when I didn’t want to, which really led me to burn out.

I also used to make myself stick to a strict posting schedule, no matter what. I recommend not having set days that you post. It puts too much pressure on me personally.

I would end up going weeks or even full months without posting anything, which didn’t help me one bit.

I also make schedules. You guys know I’ll plan out what posts I want to go up in the next month, but I also have a daily calendar on my computer. I have everything I need to do there including reading, homeschool, house chores, and even blogging. It really helps me to remember and balance out my schedule. I know I won’t want to write blog posts a bunch of days in a row, so I’ll schedule them apart in my calendar.

My schedule may change in the near future once I start a job. My husband is making me quite homeschooling my step-daughter, so I will have some extra time opening up soon.

I’ll have a regular job, but I still think I can find a balance. I’ve gotten really good in the past few months making sure I remember to do everything I need to.

One thing I do a ton that I totally recommend is writing posts in advance. That looks different for me each time. Sometimes I’ll write every post two weeks in advance, which allows me to take an entire week off at a time, other than The Sunday Post.

Other times I might write a cluster of similar posts at the beginning of every month. For instance, I’ll pick a day at the end of each month to write all the tags I’m going to post in the next month. Another day I might write all my Down the TBR Holes for the next month.

Again, this will really give some flexibility for days that you just may not feel like writing anything. Let me know what your strategies are in the comments below!


This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else. This post and every other post I write are not permitted to be posted on

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3 responses to “Let’s Talk Bookish: Managing a Blog/Life Balance”

  1. Generally, I have a good blog/life balance. I have a nice little schedule that I prepare every week. But lately, I’ve been struggling because I’m 12 weeks pregnant and I have no energy at all. But I’m hoping it will balance back out once I adjust to pregnancy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m retired so… not a problem for me, really.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Friday – Let’s Talk Bookish: Managing a Blog/Life Balance […]


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