Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Summer TBR

Hello readers! It’s time for my summer TBR, and this time I know I’m going to actually get to these books. I seriously have so many books I want to read.

I know I can’t list them all or this wouldn’t even be obtainable, so I decided on eight.

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by That’s What I’m Talking About. Each week there is a prompt to talk about. If you would like to participate, you need to fill out this Google Form, and the prompts will be sent to your email bimonthly.

What are you reading this summer? I’m hoping to read outside more because I don’t go outside enough.

This one is an ARC that I have that comes out in July that I’m super excited for. This is Kenney’s first traditionally published book and is a retelling of The Great Gatsby.

That was enough to sell me on it, plus the author, because I haven’t read a retelling of the Great Gatsby before.

The Shadow and the Draw is an indie fantasy romance that centers angels and demons. I was sent this one by a follower of mine on Booktok.

I know it’s somewhat dark and is also in a series, which we all know I don’t need to be starting. But, I’m going to anyways!


I already started this one, but I really would like to finish it at some point. I’m finally getting back into reading after four months, so I know I can do it this summer.

It follows 40 teens who are put on an island together to kill one another until there is only one left. And, I can’t wait to watch the movie once I finish it.

Icebreaker is one I’m excited, but also scared to read. So many people love it and so many hate it. I have a habit of disliking Booktok books, so I don’t know which way I’ll lean.

I know this one follows two people in college, one whose a figure skater, and the other is a hockey player. Something happens where the hockey team and figure skaters have to share a rink, and romance and tension ensues.


I really wanted to make my way through a lot of Brandy Sandy’s book this year, so my next chooses are Yumi & Tress.

Tress of the Emerald Sea follows Tress, who lives on an island and hasn’t ever left. When one of her friends is going on an adventure across the sea, she decides to sneak onto the ship for a new adventure.

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter follows Yumi, who can summon spirits, and the Nightmare Painter, who traps other people’s nightmares by painting them. Something happens where they are forced to work together and Hoid is also there.

None of the descriptions of this book are really clear on what it is about, to be honest.

Mislaid in Parts Half Known is the 9th book in the Wayward Children series, meaning it will most likely be the last one in the main storyline.

I don’t know what this one is about, but I’m excited for the dinosaurs. I didn’t really enjoy the last one I read in this series, so I’m hoping this one will be much better for me.


I really wanted to read Before I Let Go this year, too.

I know this one is a second chance romance following tow people who used to be married, it has autism rep, and it’s also really sad.

I’m here for a tragic story. If a book makes me cry, automatic 5 star for me. So, let’s hope it’s devastating.😂

This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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