Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

All the ARCs on My Shelf

Hello readers! I thought I could update you with all the ARCs on my shelf. This includes ones that have already been published, but I haven’t gotten around to reading them yet.

I seriously have so many that I have yet to get to, but I’m really trying! I actually made it through two different ones in May. My reading slump of four months is leaving my life, finally.

Eminence of Whispers and Shadows is the 2nd book in the Cyndicate series. This is a dark academia type of assassin book. It’s very fast paced, has plenty of action, and is also spicy.

I really need to get to this one SOON. I had another book by this author that was an ARC and read that one first. It was just much shorter than this and I’m trying to knock out some books on this TBR.

Beautiful Villain is the only one on this list that hasn’t been published yet. And, I am hoping to read it before publication.

It’s a retelling of Great Gatsby and I’m really excited for that. It’s also Kenney’s first time being trad published!

Luck for me, this book comes out in July, so I have plenty of time to get to it.


Space For More is the sequel to Space For Love. This author writes spicy alien and monster romances with plus size characters.

This one follows the roommate of the FMC in book one, which is the person in the middle with four arms. That character was one of the most interesting in book one, so I’m excited to see more of her.

Becoming Mallory was one I already started. It follows a long span of Mallory’s life, but through her mother’s eyes. It starts before she is born and her mom comes to terms with the fact that Mallory is different from other kids, and may be autistic.

This book is honestly very realistic. I didn’t read the whole thing yet, but so far it has not been offensive at all. I am excited to read the rest of this at some point this month.

Mislaid in Parts Half Known is probably the shortest one I have, and will most likely be next on my list to get to. I have seriously had this one for nearly a year, and it’s been out since January.

This one is going to be crazy, I just know it. I mean, there are literally dinosaurs on the cover. And, I can’t help to think it’ll be the best yet. But, I never know. I am always surprised when I read these.

Emily Wilde’s Map of the Other lands is the sequel to Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries. I read book one almost a year ago.

Actually, I read it for the Book Communities Best of 2023 (So Far). I hadn’t even heard of the book before that post.

I am actually planning to make another one of those posts this year! I am so excited to read 5 new books for that post. I have a slight idea what might be on it, but we will see.


I was sent this one in the mail out of nowhere an entire month after the book even came out.

I did start it. I think I read around 30 pages of it right after I received the book, but haven’t touched it since.

It has a 3.39 on Goodreads and that honestly scares me a lot. I really am not in the space right now mentally where I can hate a book I read.

I might get to this one day, but I don’t know. I won’t be doing it any time soon if I do. If I read a book that I give under 3 stars, I know it’ll send me right back into my slump.

This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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2 responses to “All the ARCs on My Shelf”

  1. Only this? That’s not bad at all!! I am not sure if these are only your physical copies or you have included eARCs as well, but you are doing very well!

    I have only read Mislaid in Parts Half-known, but some of these look quite good too. I think you will enjoy Map of the Otherlands as well.

    I have a draft in my posts about this too but I am too ashamed at the amount of books I have not read.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Saturday – All the ARCs on My Shelf […]


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