Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

They’re a 10 But… Book Tag

Hello readers! Today’s tag is a really short one, but is also one I have not seen on WordPress at all. I really tried to find anyone that has done it and I couldn’t. So, I hope everyone tries this one!

They’re a 10 But… Book Tag was created by KDBooks on Booktube.

They’re over 500 pages long

I could honestly name so many books over 500 pages that I love, but here is just one. The Way of Kings is very daunting and took me well over a month to read, but it was worth it.

What is it about? That is a complicated question. Let’s say that it follows many different characters, but mainly four.

Shalan, whose father has just passed, has to return this staff to a man her father borrowed it from, but the crystal in it is broken. So, she is trying to fix it before the man finds out.

Kaladin was a soldier, but was wrongfully convicted of a crime, and is now a prisoner. He is one of many prisoners who travel with these soldiers and carry bridges for them. There is this vast land with a lot of giant cracks that these bridges are needed for.

The last two are a son and father named Adolin and Dalinar. Dalinar is the brother of the king and is also a soldier. Dalinar sort of time travels. He sees these visions of the past and he isn’t really sure what they mean.

There is even more to it than that, but just know it’s a high fantasy with a ton of characters and world building. And, absolutely worth the read if you like fantasy books. Maybe don’t read this one as your first Sanderson like I did, though.

They’re on preorder

Well, I don’t really preorder books. But, I do have this one on hold on Libby.

I love his books, but sometimes it takes literal months to get them even if they are already out.


They’re a red flag

Honestly, this is one of my favorite books I read in 2023, but the romance could be seen as a red flag in a few ways.

If this were real life, this would be inappropriate because the MMC is one of the owners of the company and the FMC works for him.

Also, she is very… manic pixie dream girl, and I see that as a red flag. Some call her a Disney adult, but I’m not fully sure what that means.

They’re over a 100 years old

One of the best classics out there is Picture of Dorian Grey. Oscar Wilde only had a chance to write one novel in his life and it was a masterpiece.

This is a classic horror novel following a man who sells his soul to be young forever. And, it really comes back to bite him later on.


They were studied in school

I don’t remember a ton about this book, but I do remember reading it at school when I was a kid. It’s a scifi book that follows a mentally disabled man who is given this experimental surgery to make him a genius.

I really want to reread this one day because I enjoyed it a lot when I read it in school. It honestly took me until about 2 or 3 years ago to remember the name. I heard someone mention it in a YouTube video and couldn’t believe it was the book I had been searching for.

They leave you with emotional damage

I mentioned this one in my Tuesday post this week, and I can easily say that it’s the saddest book I’ve ever read. It follows Dita Kraus.

She went to live in Auschwitz in Poland at 13 years old and created this secret library under a floorboard. Many people would sneak books into the camp and she would hide the books for them.

Dita was not from Poland. She was from Czechoslovakia, which is now two countries, and was forced into a new country. And, Dita is still alive to this day, living in Israel.


This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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3 responses to “They’re a 10 But… Book Tag”

  1. Great idea! Studying a book at school can certainly put you off! I remember a teacher trying to get us to think of the significance of curtains being green in a book and me thinking maybe she just likes green curtains 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🤣 I’m not the best at seeing the hidden meaning in things either

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Flowers is a very moving story, and I believe, not very long. I attended a reading of it when I was in High School, and I remember lots about it.

    Liked by 1 person

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