Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

WWW Wednesday (05/22/24)

Hello readers! I wish I could say I’ve been reading a ton this month, but that is just not the truth. However, I did read one book, even if it was only 7 pages, and I’m reading another one. So, let’s do this!

If you don’t know, WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Taking On a World of Words where you share what you have read recently, are currently reading, and will read next. You can do this EVERY week, or as often as you like.

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I am currently making my way through book two of this Arkyn series by Arianna Isabella. Have you guys tried this author yet? I’ve been trying to hype her up everywhere to get more attention on her books.

This series follows Lillith and is a sort of retelling of the story of Adam and Eve. In book one, we see Lillith placed in Eden and rebelling, and book two introduces Eve.

These books (and all her books) are so amazing. I’m really hoping she will blow up one of these days.

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It follows this man who has these flowers that both turn back time and slow it down. He looks out on the horizon, and there is a mob on the way to them. We don’t ever learn what they did, but we do know the people are coming to get them in their giant mansion.

As the story goes on, he has less and less flowers to pick. It’s really about the elite just pretending issues don’t exist until their downfall. Such an interesting story and lots of other meanings, too.

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This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I’ve had this ARC since August of 2023, and I haven’t read it yet. It actually came out in January of this year.

One of my main priorities once I start reading again is getting to all my ARCs I didn’t read yet. Let me know if you guys would like to see all the ARCs I have that have already come out. The list is alarmingly long, but I’ve had a rough year.

I can’t really blame the year on this book as I’ve had it for nearly a year. But, it’s really short, and I think I can get through it relatively quickly, which is what I think I need to get back into reading as well.


This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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