Alli the Book Giraffe

An autistic book lover

Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read Tag

Hello readers! Today is Tuesday, but I’m doing a book tag. I wanted to make a post about popular books I’ll probably never read, and then I found out there was a tag post about the same topic.

I already wrote half the post, but I still like the idea of doing the tag a bit more. This tag was created by Booktuber littlespider9. It’s actually a very short tag, only 5 questions.

A really hyped book you’re not interested in

Colleen Hoover is an author that I’ve never had an interest in. Even now that I’m on Booktok. No one can convince me I’ll like her books.

She seems like the kind of author that the dark romance people love, and that is not me at all.

I have watched some people explain some of these books, mostly Caleb on Booktube, and it just does not seem like something I’ll like.


A series you won’t start/wont be finishing

King of Scars was one I used to be interested in, but am not anymore. I read the Shadow and Bone series in 2019 or something. I was excited to get to King of Scars because it followed the only character I really liked.

Then, I found out it doesn’t follow him solely. And, it’s been so long since I read the series that I’d need to reread it. And, I’ve unhauled it already. I liked Shadow and Bone okay, but it wasn’t a favorite for me or anything.

A classic you’re just not interested in

Leo Tolstoy is a very famous author of the realism era. I took this literature course in college and I had to read one of his books.

War and Peace is his most famous work that I will not be reading. First of all, it is HUGE. War and Peace is nearly 1300 pages.

But, I’m also not a fan of the realism era. It focuses on being painfully detailed and realistic, and someone will always die at the end. Usually by suicide or just painfully in general. This era is just not for me.


Any genres you never read?

There aren’t a lot of genres I don’t read, but I would say magical realism. Also, historical fiction. I just have an issue where I will either love or hate magical realism books.

And, I do like some historical, but I don’t read it often at all.

Actually, I would also say horror. I like horror, but I really hate body horror. And, that is for some reason the most common horror in books. I’ll read a psychological horror or something, but not ones that are just physical horror.

A book on your shelves you’ll probably never read

Celadon does this thing where they’ll send me ARCs. They always come after the book is published and they never ask me before sending the books.

This is one they sent to me last year, but they’ve sent me 3 or 4 books at this point. I have never heard of this book and I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever get to it.


This post was created by Allison Wolfe for and is not permitted to be posted anywhere else.

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5 responses to “Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read Tag”

  1. I feel the same way about It Ends with Us and Colleen Hoover in general. Nothing about what I’ve heard makes me think I’d enjoy reading it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel exactly the same about Colleen Hoover, I can’t see that I would ever really enjoy her books. I do love Historical Fiction though even though, as you say, somebody always dies. I have read War and Peace although that was after seeing a TV series first.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve read Verity by Colleen Hoover. I liked it, but not enough to be drawn to her other books.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I blind read the opening to the Hoover and was NOT impressed at ALL! So, this would be one I’d also not read.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] Tuesday – Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read […]


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